Argon Gas In Windows: What Consumers Should Know

The windows in homes have come a long way in terms of aesthetic appeal as well as energy efficiency. One way that your home's windows can help save on energy costs is by purchasing new windows from a retailer like with a gas called argon that is in between the two panes of the windows. This extra feature may cost more upon the initial installation, but it can save you quite a bit of money on heating and cooling costs over time.

What is Argon Gas?

Argon is a colorless, odorless gas that is non-toxic. It is actually found in about two percent of the air people breathe every day. If the window were to break and the argon leaked, it would not harm the residents of the home. It is also non flammable, so there is no fire hazard associated with argon. The reason that this gas is used in new windows is because its properties have shown to conduct almost 50% less heat than plain air, making it a great insulator. 

How Can Homeowners Benefit from Gas Filled Windows?

With a focus on energy efficiency, windows have become more than just a way to look outside. There are plenty of great features available on today's windows such as double panes, better sturdier frames, and additional coatings on the windows to provide better insulation. Argon gas is yet another way that homeowners can get viable benefits from new windows. Here are some ways that argon can provide customers with a better window:

  • Argon is more dense than air, so it adds an extra layer of insulation due to its density alone.
  • The gas inside of the windows help to bring them closer to the interior temperature, adding a layer of protection from the outside elements like very cold or hot air.
  • New windows purchased with argon filled panes can receive tax credits in some cases. Check with your tax preparation office for details.
  • If a Low-E coating is added to argon windows, they are protected against harmful UV rays caused by the sun.
  • Using argon can help to minimize heat transfer from the sun, which can save on energy costs during the summer.
  • In winter, the argon protects the inside of the home from harsh, cold air which can make the home much more comfortable.
  • While adding argon to window installation can add initial costs, its popularity in recent years has made it less expensive than in years past. 
